International Lovers (Saudi Arabian Night Series)


Only 2-days left before International Lovers makes it Debut on Amazon.  May 16th 2014


 “Where was you?” she asked. Harmony refused to allow him to see her cry. “You asked me to step out on the limb to love you and I did. In the end I was crushed and burn by your petty trifling mom.” Harmony yelled.
“Harmony,” he warned as his dark eyes became cold as steel. “Blame me and not my mother. I’m the one who thought by letting you go until you knew exactly what you wanted was right for everyone.”

“Love me, I’ll protect you.” She said in a fake Middle Eastern accent. 

“Don’t you think this was torturing me knowing that I couldn’t come after you as soon as I could?” He leaned against the wall “I don’t want to see you crying.” 

“These tears is not because I love you, it’s because I’m confused.” She said wiping her tears. “I don’t know if I should love you or one runaway.” 

Raamiz pushed against the wall, he went towards her. Wrapping his arms around her, he squeeze her tightly. “I’m tired of you running away from me and the love I have for you. I can’t promise you a lifetime of happiness with me but I can promise you that I will love you and take care of you. There might be days where you hate me but I’m going to keep loving you.

*Much Thanks To Everyone Who Purchase My Novels. 


  1. I like all of your books especially International Lovers. I love all the plots and keep me on the edge. When are you publishing the 2nd book. I can't wait to find out what happens next.

    1. Thanks! I really hope you enjoy International Lovers. The name of Hamaz and Leah's story is called Rekindle Love....I'm not sure on the released date. The reason I say that is because I have to release the second part of Harmony and Raamiz story at the same time.

  2. I haven't been able to find this book. I've checked Amazon and Allromanceebooks. Neither site has it. Is it still available?

  3. I love this book, and ebven though it unfair to wait so long for second. Can you surprise us and release Raamiz and Harmony's story sooner :) just saying :)

  4. Thanks! I will try my best to release Harmony and Raamiz story shortly after 'Come Away with me

  5. Thanks for giving me hope, Ava October is too long of a wait. Please release sooner for the fans. Take care and thanks again for the update.


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